Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Ok... hopefully its ok I'm sharing this picture, Marisa and Kyla... So, I have not been getting much sleep the past week or two due to Ivy's growing pains (I have to constantly rub her legs at night) and a little stress. So... lack of sleep or trying to sleep through things have caused me to have weird dreams. A few of them have been about babies... Uh oh. You that know me knows that it is a sign of preggers for me. But, Whewwwwww.... I dodge that bullet this month. I had this dream last night that I was holding a baby boy and cuddling him so close to me and he was saying mama. I was at Brad's Grandma Isabelle's house sitting in her rocking chair. (I don't think she had a rocking chair, but in my dream I knew it was hers.) So... I'm a little nervous about what the immediate future might hold, but for now I going to guess that my dream meant that I missed my two little nieces, Sarah and MaKenndree. I, of course, miss Jon, Emma, and Kate, but I guess I just can't wait to see the little ones. They grow so fast and are doing so many fun things right now. So... I guess bring on the baby dreams as long as it means I get to see my nieces soon.


Paul and Kyla said...

I just want to point out the obvious... you were holding a boy in your dream, both MaKendree and Sarah are girls! jk. Can't wait to see everyone either!

BradandSally said...

i know... it felt so real, but I know that now is not the time. I'm blaming the babiness on the stress

BradandSally said...

PS... Can I post the naked butt pic?

Paul and Kyla said...

You'll have to ask Marisa.